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As DC Politicians Abandon Soldiers, Donald Trump Steps in and Proves He Never Will

Former President Donald Trump stepped in to save the day on Friday, offering shelter for thousands of displaced National Guard troops in Washington, D.C., after they were forced outside of the U.S. Capitol, according to a report.

The troops were sent to Washington to protect Congress and President Joe Biden against alleged threats during Wednesday’s inauguration ceremony.

Officials at the Capitol eventually determined there was not enough room to house the soldiers, leaving them with nowhere to go — until Trump stepped in, that is.

Although no longer president, Trump did what he could to set things right, according to a report from One America News Network.

Trump gave the thousands of National Guard troops permission to stay at his luxury Trump Hotel, an adviser told OAN.

Trump’s generous offer came only a day after multiple reports showed as many as 5,000 guardsmen had been told to stay in an underground parking garage.

“National Guard soldiers mobilized for inauguration security have been moved from the Capitol to sleep in a nearby parking garage, which is still in use by vehicles. It’s cold, full of car exhaust, and has one bathroom,” New York Times reporter John Ismay tweeted Thursday.

One guardsman told Politico he felt “incredibly betrayed” when troops were “banished … to the corner of a parking garage” once it was reportedly determined there was not enough space at the Capitol for those assigned to protect it.

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“Yesterday dozens of senators and congressmen walked down our lines taking photos, shaking our hands and thanking us for our service. Within 24 hours, they had no further use for us and banished us to the corner of a parking garage. We feel incredibly betrayed,” the guardsman said.

Guardsmen were never needed at the Capitol.

They were merely put forward as a political prop for “taking photos and shaking hands,” as the unnamed guardsman said.

Additionally, their presence seems to be meant to signal that the Capitol incursion was much more insidious than it actually was.

Sure, the riot that took place at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was awful, but the recent suggestions made by many in Congress that the majority pro-Trump mob was some sort of terrorist group attempting to overthrow the government is absolutely ridiculous.

If the Capitol police had just done their jobs in the first place, the incursion never would have happened.

Thankfully, even though he’s no longer in office, Donald Trump was willing to clean up yet another mess created by our government.

Story cited here.

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