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As America Is More Divided Than Ever, We’re Still Waiting on Biden to Deliver His Magical ‘Unity’

Nearly a half-year into the Biden presidency, Americans are still waiting for the unity promised on Inauguration Day.

The fires of racial tension are still stoked as Democrats divide the U.S. population along the lines of skin color — whether the casualties are Republicans or not.

In Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot has refused to give interviews to white journalists, speaking blatant racism into existence to have only “black” or “brown” reporters interact with her.

This comes mere months after Coca-Cola asked its employees to be “less white” to fight racism — as if being more racist is the way to do it.

More recently, the liberal media has given a new name to anti-Semitism, scapegoating Israel for the Palestinian conflict and turning a blind eye to Hamas’ terrorism, simply because Jews and not Muslims are the victims.

And where is President Biden? Staying silent, per usual. The Biden administration continues to lament “systemic racism” without defining it, while ignoring the flashpoints of division when they don’t suit the Democratic platform.

Anti-white racism or anti-Semitic violence need not be condemned, according to “Moderate Joe,” since they don’t fit the left-wing narrative of victim-based identity politics.

We have reached a point where left-wing commentators are openly asking their ideological opponents, “What do you like about being white?” That’s how far we’ve come as a society.

Is it any surprise that Black Lives Matter protesters are still rioting and breaking windows in Portland, Oregon? Why wouldn’t they, when President Biden and other Democrats refuse to call a spade a spade? Why obey the law when the left refuses to denounce and deter BLM violence?

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Even in my daily life, I have seen America’s divisions run deep. Earlier this month, I was called a “cracker” and a “white supremacist” for getting to a parking spot first. On another occasion, I was labeled a “racist” by my Uber driver after helping him navigate a busy airport — respectfully, of course.

When race matters above all else, as Democrats like President Biden want it, racism is bound to manifest itself in even the most mundane moments.

I am by no means trying to play the victim card here. I am no victim. I deplore the victimhood politics of 2021. But there is a point to be made that the more Democrats peddle phrases like “systemic racism,” “critical race theory” or “reparations,” the more divided America becomes. Such rhetoric will never be unifying.

As Americans, we need to do more to unify our divided nation. We need to be better, as individuals. It shouldn’t be difficult to condemn all forms of racism and violence — whether it affects white people, black people or Jewish people.

It should be easy to call out the most radical among us, even if they happen to be “on our side.” When it comes to racism and violence, there are only two sides: Good and evil.

Unfortunately, “doing more” and “being better” won’t start at the top. Neither President Biden nor the Democratic Party is fit to unify us when racial identity is so ingrained in the left’s propaganda. Unity will never come from lip service when it’s supplemented by rhetoric and policies that amplify our racial differences instead of consolidating them into the “melting pot” that should be America.

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At the very least, President Biden would retain his honesty by admitting his divisive agenda, rather than blowing smoke from the bully pulpit.

In truth, America’s only hope for unity is 2024, when President Biden leaves the White House and an “America First” Republican takes over. Until then, Americans should brace for more Democratic division — on TV and in their daily lives.

Story cited here.

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