
AOC, Other Liberals Are Upset That Men Are Being More Careful Post #MeToo

By Daniel M

June 13, 2019

These people are never happy.

A few years ago we were introduced to the #MeToo movement, which culminated most publicly with the attempted destruction of Juctice Kavanaugh. The idea that we should “believe all women” became canon in liberal circles to the point of absurdity. Have there been real problems with sexual harassment and assault among powerful men and female subordinates? Absolutely. Does that mean that it’s fair to generalize men as toxic predators and tacitly endorse the idea that proof isn’t needed? Of course not. In the midst of some very legitimate reports of abuse, there were men caught up in false allegations as well. Kavanaugh may be the most famous example, but he’s hardly the only one.

After the #MeToo movement became so high profile, a strange thing starting happening. Men got terrified of being falsely accused and started making behavioral changes in regards to their interactions with women.