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AOC Makes Play for Pity Over Confrontation at Capitol – But Ends Up Getting Mocked Even More

For Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the hits keep coming — just not the kind she wants.

The New York Democrat, whose combination of photogenic looks and socialist’s foolishness makes for a mainstream media magnet in the 21st century U.S., launched a Twitter post on Wednesday clearly aimed at drumming up sympathy over her run-in with a classless activist on the Capitol steps.

But for the second time this week, it backfired — badly.

This time, AOC was griping about a confrontation with Alex Stein, a conservative comedian and prolific Twitter user with more than 175,000 followers.

Check it out here. Note that it it’s AOC herself posting the video, after first informing her followers that she had taken down her own previous post because “it’s clearly someone seeking extremist fame.”

To be clear, what Stein says is boorish, classless and rude — and would be entirely without merit if it weren’t for his reference to “she wants to kill babies.” The near-satanic enthusiasm of AOC and a dismally large percentage of the Democratic party for the infanticide of abortion deserves public condemnation in almost any context.

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But to be equally clear, what’s on display here isn’t so much an utter lack of manners by a political activist making a point as it is the utter hypocrisy of the lawmaker herself.

Here’s the first video she posted about the incident.

This is the same Ocasio-Cortez who exuded contempt for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when protests outside a Washington, D.C., restaurant last week forced him to leave by a rear exit.

Her lame attempt on Monday to compare her own experiences to that disgraceful incident was her first misfire of the week.

This is the same Ocasio-Cortez who declared in a Twitter post in 2020 — at the end of a year that saw American cities burn in Black Lives Matter riots that the mainstream media pretended were “mostly peaceful” — that “the whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable.”

Obviously, the Democratic socialist has a different idea about it when she is personally the “ppl” who’s “uncomfortable.”

Of course, she had plenty of sympathy on social media. No leftist is alone in the fetid cesspool of Twitter liberalism.

But there were many users who saw the hypocrisy for what it was.

Again, the clearly sexual content of Stein’s words push them over the line of acceptable discourse. The point is that in the worldview of the modern Democratic Party and the mainstream media, much, much worse behavior is acceptable if it’s visited upon conservatives.

It’s worth pointing out here that literally nothing happened here beyond AOC’s reaction. Stein’s words didn’t keep the congresswoman from going to work. In fact, if she’d kept power-walking up the Capitol steps and ignored the whole thing, it would have passed into history without a second thought.

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(It’s also worth noting that a man accompanying Rep. Ocasio-Cortez looked suspiciously like her boyfriend. If it was him, he must not be the protective type.)

Conservative targets of progressive viciousness have much stronger grounds to complain — like, say, Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, who almost died at the hands of a murderous Bernie Sanders supporter in 2017, or Kavanaugh, who was the target of an assassination plot in June by an apparently deranged supporter of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that established abortion in the United States. (See “satanic,” above.)

But in the worldview of AOC and her fellow leftists, political protest is only out of hand when political progressives are being targeted.

As long as they keep pushing the undeniable hypocrisy — and they can’t help themselves — the hits aren’t going to stop.

Story cited here.

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