
Anderson Cooper Abruptly Goes to Commercial After Trump Accuser E. Jean Carroll Says ‘People Think of Rape as Being Sexy’

By Daniel M

June 25, 2019

Monday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” writer E. Jean Carroll, who has accused President Donald Trump of rape, had a curious exchange with host Anderson Cooper about her status as a “victim” and the definition of rape.

“Sexual violence is in every country in every strata of society, and I just feel that so many women are undergoing sexual violence,” Carroll explained. “Mine was short. I got out. I’m happy now. I’m moving on. And I think of all the women who are enduring constant sexual violence. So this one incident, this one, what, three minutes in this little dressing room, I just say it’s a fight. That way I’m not the victim, right? I’m not the victim.”

“You don’t feel like a victim?” Cooper replied.

“I was not thrown on the ground and ravished, which the word rape carries so many sexual connotations,” she said. “This was not sexual. It just – it hurt.”

“I think most people think of rape as a violent assault,” Cooper said.

“I think most people think of rape as being sexy – think of the fantasies,” she added.

Story cited here.