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Amnesty for Everyone Who Was Here on January 1

President-elect Joe Biden’s amnesty plan will reportedly provide the glittering prize of U.S. citizenship to everyone who can show they were in the United States illegally on January 1, if Congress passes the wage-cutting, nation-changing legislation amid a deep economic recession.

“To qualify, immigrants must have been in the United States as of Jan. 1, a move meant to blunt any rush to the border,” according to a description provided “by transition officials” to the Washington Post.

But the “rush to the border” is likely because migrants and the coyotes’ smuggling industry can backdate documents and forge new identities, especially when the prize is the opportunity to escape their lives in undeveloped countries and then become citizens of the United States of America.

“Biden, he’s going to help all of us,” one English-speaking Honduran told CNN on Sunday. “He’s given us 100 days to get to the U.S. and give us legal [unintelligible] paper so we can get a better life for our kids and family.”

The 1986 amnesty of roughly three million illegal aliens included much evidence of pre-computer fraud and a rejection rate of only about 12 percent, according to a government-sponsored study. Blue-collar household incomes have risen very little since the 1986 amnesty, although there was a sharp seven percent jump in 2019.

The Post‘s article did not include an estimate of how many migrants — and their chain-migration extended families — would benefit from an amnesty, nor did it allow any readers’ comments.

Biden’s plan will also remove any barrier to the inflow of white-collar workers who can earn a science or technology doctoral degree at one of the nation’s thousands of colleges and universities, the Post reported:

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Doctoral graduates in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields also are exempted from visa limits that critics say have led to talented immigrants moving elsewhere around the globe, depriving the United States of their ingenuity.

The open borders rule for doctoral graduates is a top priority for universities and investors in technology companies. Universities stand to gain many new customers, and investors are seeking windfalls on the stock market by selling stock in productive and low-cost companies.

The bill would also double the annual inflow of foreign graduates into U.S. companies by granting extra visas to the workers’ spouses and children. Currently, roughly 70,000 foreign workers get green cards from their U.S. employers each year. But that gateway is so popular around the world that roughly one million foreign graduates are working in U.S. jobs in the hope of eventually getting green cards from their employers.

The huge lower-wage population of compliant foreign graduates helps U.S. CEOs exclude young Americans from technology jobs, suppress salaries for U.S. graduates, and boost Fortune 500 companies’ stock values. Any expansion of the white-collar migration would threaten the jobs and wages of American graduates.

The Washington Post suggests that the Biden plan also seeks to get perhaps three million illegal aliens to the voting booths in 2024, so threatening the current jobs of many GOP politicians:

Beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — which granted key protections for “dreamers” — and the temporary protected status program for migrants from disaster-ravaged nations could apply for a green card immediately. The details were described by transition officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

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Under current rules, legal immigrants can get citizenship and voting rights five years after getting green cards. But the Biden bill would allow the migrants to convert their green cards into citizenship in just three years, the Post reported.

The Washington Post article did not mention any significant upgrades to border security or to curb the employment of illegal immigrants. Those features will likely be offered just prior to a Senate vote so that Biden and his allies can claim to be offering a compromise.

The Biden plan is also intended to spur economic development in Central America, according to the Washington Post.

But Biden’s offer of an amnesty and citizenship is expected to extract many productive young men and women out of the struggling nations’ economies. The bill also offers to create new pathways for productive Central Americans to move into the United States without migrating through Mexico.

Many business and investor groups favor the long-standing U.S. government policy of extracting cheap workers and taxpayer-supported consumers from foreign countries to help grow sales and profits in the U.S. economy.

Biden’s deputies are trying to stall the expected wave of migrants.

On Monday, one of Biden’s aides announced via Twitter that the new administration will preserve President Donald Trump’s health-related curbs against the entry of foreign visitors. “On the advice of our medical team, the Administration does not intend to lift these [travel] restrictions on 1/26 … we plan to strengthen public health measures around international travel in order to further mitigate the spread of COVID-19,” she said via Twitter.

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Economists recognize that migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the heartland states to the coastal states that are home to many investors and Democratic donors.

That economic transfer has shriveled the wealth and health of many red states and so helped Donald Trump defeat the GOP establishment and get elected in 2016. The same economic shift boosted President Donald Trump’s support among working-class whites, blacks, and Latinos in 2020.

The multiracial, cross-sex, nonracist, class-based opposition to cheap-labor migration coexists with generally favorable personal feelings toward legal immigrants and toward immigration in theory — despite the media magnification of many skewed polls and articles that still push the 1950’s “Nation of Immigrants” claim.

However, establishment journalists have ignored the evidence of deep and broad opposition to cheap-labor migration — and the inflow of temporary contract workers — into the jobs needed by young and old Americans.

Story cited here.

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