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Abrams: I Support Abolishing the Electoral College

On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Fair Fight Action Chair and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams argued in favor of abolishing the Electoral College.

Host Chris Hayes asked, “There have been some calls to get rid of the Electoral College. There’s been some controversy over this week, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling for it, the president emailing his supporters about how terrible an idea that was. Do you favor that?”

Abrams responded, “Absolutely. The Electoral College was not designed to make certain that people in small states weren’t subject to the tyranny of urban areas. That wasn’t the conversation at the time. It was because those in power did not believe that working people had the intellectual capacity to directly elect the leader of the free world. We have long passed that time, and it’s time for direct election and popular vote.”

Story cited here.

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