Saturday, MSNBC “Cross Connection” host Tiffany Cross sounded off on HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher mocking Lin-Manuel Miranda for apologizing for not having more Afro-Latino representation in the movie “In the Heights.”
In an open monologue, Cross told Maher that he does not “get to tell people of color what they should or should not be offended by.” She advised him to stay in his lane on the subject until he has had a diverse panel on his show discussing “colorism.”
“Bill Maher, you do not get to tell people of color what they should or should not be offended by. Stay in your lane, slim,” Cross stated. “Maybe instead of trying to invoke sympathy for Sharon Osbourne or making sure Tomi Lahren has a space to souse her BS, you should have more diverse panels of people who can explain colorism to you and systemic racism and how these things still devastate people’s lives and livelihoods today. Try that instead of standing on your alabaster perch every week to crap on other people’s lived experience while providing a safe haven for well-established white supremacists because I’ve got to tell you — this old angry white man act is so played.”
“The country, like it or not, is changing in real-time. And sadly, ‘Fake Time with Bill Maher’ is not,” she added.
Story cited here.