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69% Want Investigation into Obama DOJ’s 2016 Spying.

More than two-thirds of Americans want an investigation into the Justice Department’s handling of the Russia Collusion Hoax.

This is very bad news for Barack Obama, the corrupt Deep State, their minions in the establishment media, and Democrats.

According to a April 25-28 poll of 1,007 random adults taken for CNN (a far-left fake news outlet), a full 69 percent “think Congress ought to investigate the origins of the Justice Department’s inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election, including 76% of Democrats, 69% of independents and 62% of Republicans.”

And the “origins” of that inquiry means the Obama Justice Department.

Naturally, CNN buried this inconvenient bombshell in its own report on its own poll.

What’s more, public opposition to the non-stop, Democrat-led investigations into President Trump is growing.

In the middle of March, only 38 percent of adults polled believed “Democrats in Congress are doing too much… to investigate Donald Trump.”

Six weeks later, that number jumped to 44 percent.

Only 25 percent believe Democrats are doing too little, while 28 percent say the “right amount,” a drop of six points from last month.

The poll also shows that a mere 37 percent want to see Trump impeached while a clear majority, 59 percent, do not. Last September, that number was nearly tied with 47 percent wanting Trump removed from office while 48 percent did not.

The president’s overall job approval rating sits at 43 percent, up from 37 percent in January.  This includes 46 percent of Independents approving of the president and a robust 86 percent of Republicans.

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What’s important to keep in mind about this poll is that it is a random sample of adults (with a sampling error of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points) is a polling method that almost always skews against Republicans, which is why a left-wing outlet like CNN would utilize it.

A more accurate poll screens for “likely” or “registered” voters.

A poll of random adults is really only useful in looking at trends, and this poll shows that the trends are almost all moving in Trump’s direction. Exceptions are that 48 percent believe Trump obstructed justice, while 45 percent disagree. Fifty percent believe “things Trump has said publicly about the investigation have been mostly false.”

That 69 percent number, though, that is the real news here. What we have, even during these polarized times, is the unified belief the Department of Justice needs to be investigated, which is exactly what Attorney general Bill Barr and Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have promised to do, which is why the media are already working overtime to smear Bill Barr.

That 69 percent number is also a massive media fail. For two years the media have been lying to the public hoping to convince us Obama’s Department of Justice did nothing wrong (they did), did not act improperly (they did), did not spy on the other party’s presidential campaign (they did), did not wiretap the other party’s campaign (they did).. But as you can see here, even Democrats haven’t been convinced by that fake news. 

Story cite here.

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