
4-in-9 Illegal Aliens Have No High School Diploma

By Daniel M

May 30, 2019

About four-in-nine illegal aliens living in the United States have no high school diploma, according to the newest data from Pew Research Center.

Overall, about 44 percent of illegal aliens between the ages 25 to 64-years-old do not have a high school diploma, as well as about 21 percent of the more than 1.2 million legal immigrants that are admitted to the country every year, according to Pew Research Center analysis.

The data reveals the ever-growing workforce competition that the country’s poor, working class, and lower middle class are subjected to as the mostly low-skill, foreign-born population has grown to an unprecedented high of 44.5 million residents.

The Pew Research analysis found that while only eight percent of native-born American citizens lack a high school diploma, about 44 percent of illegal aliens have not graduated high school. Similarly, only 17 percent of illegal aliens hold a bachelor’s degree or more.