
2020 Democrats Won’t Criticize Biden’s Time as VP for Fear of Attacking Obama Legacy

By Daniel M

June 17, 2019

Joe Biden’s rivals in the race for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination are attacking him  from all angles, save one: Biden’s time as Barack Obama’s vice president.

“People are very nostalgic for that time,” an activist told Politico. Among liberal voters, the Obama administration is inextricably entwined with pre-Trump nostalgia. Years after his presidency, Obama remains extremely popular with his base. That is good news for Joe “Malarkey” Biden, who is riding that goodwill toward the Oval Office.

“It’s going to be challenging for progressives to attack that legacy,” said chief executive Yvette Simpson, of the “Democracy for America” PAC. “Because Obama not only is and was so popular, but people are very nostalgic for that time, particularly after a few years of Trump.”