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10 Times Trump Made The Liberals Look Dumb

8. North Korea is currently in the middle of the ending the Korean war.

Peace on the Korean Peninsula surely would earn Potus a Nobel Peace prize some day. Asians in general seem to love our Potus and that’s a good thing. First Trump applied crippling sanctions to North Korea as indicated in graph below.


Than Trump applied pressure to China to actually adhere to enforced sanctions. This dual pronged approach showed that Trump was serious about ending this problem and would not act the way previous presidents have in past.

Hopefully the long term goals include the US pulling our military off the Korean Peninsula. We wont hold our breaths for that last one though. In the near term I bet North Korea opens up and ends up becoming a absolute powerhouse within one generation. A unified Korea who is a ally to the US is a great threat to China who I am sure is paying close attention to whats going on.

With a new leader in North Korea, the U.S. and South Korea are watching for clues of his policies. But so far tensions have not eased along the demilitarized zone. Here, two North Korean soldiers look across at a South Korean soldier on Dec. 2.

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